Wednesday, 26 September 2012

JUMP Issue #44

JUMP Issue #44

Toriko 205 (Lead CP)
Kuroko no Basket 183 (176)
Naruto 603 (596)
Assassination Classroom 13 (6)
PSI Kusuo Saiki 20 (13)

Gintama 416 (Cover)
Medaka Box 164 (Cover)
Cross Manage 3 (Extra Pages)
Chousoku Henkei Gyro Zetter (CP, Oneshot)

Retsu! Date-Senpai 4

Bleach 509 (502)
Haikyuu 31 (24) (CP)

Nisekoi 44 (37)
Sket Dance 251 (274)
Kochikame 1762 (1755)
Reborn! 403 (396)
Beelzebub 174 (167)
Kurogane 53 (46)
Koisome Momiji 21 (14)
Takamagahara 12 (5)

JUMP Issue #45 Info

Lead CP: Naruto
Center Colour: Medaka Box, Jojo's Bizzare Adventure Oneshot
Nisekoi Special Poster

  • Assassination Classroom still doing well in 3rd place
  • Bleach is up to 5th! I can't even remember the last time I put it in my positives
  • Nisekoi in 6th
  • Reborn! continues its slump being first of the bottom 5
  • Beelzebub also hasn't left the bottom 5
  • Neither has Kurogane
  • Takamagahara, of course, is in last place :(

Other changes:
  • Kuroko no Basket - 5th > 1st
  • Naruto - 1st > 2nd
  • PSI Kusuo Saiki - non-mover at 4th
  • Sket Dance - 9th > 7th
  • Kochikame - 10th > 8th
  • Koisome Momiji - 15th > 12th
An OK ToC this week, nice to see Bleach up, I doubt Reborn!'s slump means much seeing as it looks like it's ending anyway. What's the matter, fanboys/girls? Don't like seeing your favourite characters getting slaughtered???? There's also a Jojo's Bizarre Adventure one-shot next week. I've never read the series, so this is of little interest to me. Can anybody tell me if it's worth reading? And there's also a Nisekoi poster next issue! Thanks for reading, see you next week! ^.^

Thursday, 20 September 2012

JUMP Issue #43

JUMP Issue #43

JUMP Issue #43

Haikyuu!! (Cover & Lead CP)
Naruto 602 (595)
One Piece 682 (675)
Assassination Classroom 12 (5)
PSI Kusuo Saiki 19 (12)
Cross Manage 2 (CP, 25 pg.)
Kuroko no Basket 182 (175)
Retsu!! Date Senpai 3
Beelzebub 173 (167) (CP)
Toriko 204 (197)
Nisekoi 43 (36)
Medaka Box 163 (157)
Sket Dance 250 (243)
Kochikame 1761 (1754)
Reborn! 402 (395)
Bleach 508 (501)
Koisome Momiji 20 (CP)
Kurogane 52 (45)
Takamagahara 11 (4)

Alien & I (One Shot)
Gintama (Absent)

JUMP Issue #44 Info
Lead CP: Toriko
CP: Haikyuu!!, Chousoku Henkei Jaipur Rosetta (One Shot, 30 pg.)
Absent: One Piece

  • Assassination Classroom is in 3rd
  • One Piece loses its top spot to Naruto
  • Nisekoi drops out of the bottom 5 to 7th
  • Reborn! rises a little, but is still in the bottom 5 at 11th
  • Bleach is 12th in the bottom 5
  • Kurogane drops like a stone to the penultimate position
  • Takamagahara, which is pretty much over before it's begun, is dead last
Other Changes:
  • Naruto moves up to 1st
  • PSI Kusuo Saiki moves up to 4th
  • Kuroko no Basket up to 5th
  • Toriko down to 6th
  • Medaka Box up one place to 8th
  • Sket Dance is down to 9th
  • Kochikame up to 10th

Another shit ToC this week, obviously Takamagahara is doomed, but nice to see Assassination Classroom doing so well.

Wow. As I expected, this new Blogger is... *ahem*... COMPLETE SHIT! Give us the option to make it like how it was before, Google! Anyway, thanks for reading, see you next week! ^.^

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

JUMP Issue #42

JUMP Issue #42
Cross Manage 1 (Cover, Lead CP, New Series)
Assassination Classroom 11 (4)
One Piece 671 (664)
Nisekoi 42 (CP)
Naruto 601 (594)
Toriko 203 (196)
PSI Kusuo Saiki 18 (11)
Kuroko no Basket 181 (174)
Retsu!! Date-Senpai 2 (CP)
Sket Dance 249 (242)
Haikyuu!! 29 (22)
Medaka Box 162 (155)
Kurogane 51 (44)
Gintama 415 (408)
Reborn! 401 (CP)
Beelzebub 172 (165)
Bleach 507 (500)
Kochikame 1760 (1753)
Koisome Momiji 19 (12)
Takamagahara 10 (3)

JUMP Issue #43 Info
Lead CP: Haikyuu!!
CP: Cross Manage, Beelzebub, Koisome Momiji

Positives... Or should I say POSITIVE:

  • Assassination Classroom is 1st!!!!
  • One Piece falls to 2nd, but at least it's to a good series
  • Kurogane falls to 10th, but at least it's not in the bottom 5
  • Gintama drops to 1 place above the bottom 5 - guess this arc isn't so popular...
  • Beelzebub drops into the bottom 5
  • Bleach drops like a fucking rock into 13th
  • Takamagahara is FUCKED!!!! Damn-near bottom rankings for the first 3 chapters is a death sign. And I really had high hopes for this series :'(
Other changes:
  • Naruto a non-mover at 3rd
  • Toriko up one place to 4th
  • PSI Kusuo Saiki also up one place to 5th
  • Kuroko no Basket up one place to 7th (am I seeing a trend here... ?)
  • Kochikame down to 14th

Wow, one of the worst ToCs I've seen in like, ever. Hopefully, it might improve. I now predict that it and Koisome Momiji will be next on the chopping block and, well, if I'm wrong, then I will... DO something embarassing - let me know in the comments what I should do and I'll post a video doing it or something. Sorry for the lateness, this is like 2 days late! Some stuff with uni and work I had to do. Thanks for reading, see you next week! ^.^

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

JUMP Issue #41

JUMP Issue #41

Retsu!! Date-Senpai 1 (Cover, Lead CP, New Series)
One Piece 670 (663)
Sket Dance 248 (241)
Naruto 600 (593)
Nisekoi 41 (34)
Toriko 202 (195)
Assassination Classroom 10 (CP)
PSI Kusuo Saiki 17 (10)
Haikyuu!! 28 (21)
Kurogane 50 (43)
Bleach 506 (499)
Kuroko no Basket 180 (CP)
Beelzebub 171 (164)
Gintama 414 (407)
Medaka Box 161 (154)
Kochikame 1759 (1752)
Koisome Momiji 18 (11)
Reborn! 400 (393)
Takamagahara 9 (2)
Sensei no Bulge 16 (End)

JUMP Issue #42 Info

Lead CP/New Series: Cross Manage
Center Colour: Nisekoi, Reborn!, Retsu!! Date-Senpai

  • One Piece is 1st
  • Nisekoi up 1 place to 4th - still in the top 5
  • Kurogane jumps to 8th
  • Beelzebub moves up 1 place... to 10th
  • Bleach moves down to 8th
  • Gintama down to 11th
  • Reborn! down to 15th
  • Takamagahara is TANKING! Penultimate place at 16th!
  • Sensei no Bulge has run its course
Other changes:
  • Sket Dance moves up to 2nd
  • Naruto moves up to 3rd,
  • Toriko moves down to 5th
  • PSI Kusuo Saiki moves down to 6th
  • Haikyuu!! down to 7th
  • Medaka Box rises slightly to 12th
  • Kochikame moves down to 13th
  • Koisome Momiji is a non-mover at 14th
Gay-ass ToC. Sensei no Bulge has been cancelled -.- Takamagahara's tanking - it will have a bottom ranking next week -.-

But on the plus-side, we've got 2 new series! Retsu!! Date-senpai started this issue. I haven't read it yet so I don't know what it's like. And Cross Manage starts next issue. But oh, wait, they're probably gonna run for like 12 chapters and get axed seeing as Japan hates new shit. Thanks for reading! ^.^

Saturday, 1 September 2012


Bonjour, friends. Just some updates regarding my blog/s.

I'm deleting the Weekly Shonen Summaries blog because... Well... I just can't be fucked. I mean, I haven't made a new post in how long?

I'm also gonna be updating my Weekly Shonen Rantings blog more frequently. Rants and news to do with anime, manga, movies and other general shit.
